For years, George Bentley of Bentley Baths, Bentley Wellness, InPower Home Solutions, and Being Young at Any Age has been spreading the message that he wants you to take advantage of every moment to live life to the fullest no matter how old you are. 

He has committed his entire life and career to connecting seniors and their loved ones to the technology and knowledge necessary to maintain independence and live long, healthy, vibrant lives. 

That’s why he is dedicated to spreading awareness, compassion, and understanding as we face a growing concern over COVID-19. In this video, George provides encouragement along with advice on how we can work together to stay safe, healthy, and move forward.

George Bentley Gives Advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Safety and Life Habits

“This pandemic that we’re facing is a challenge and it’s going to hurt a lot of us.

It’s going to damage a lot of our weakest: the elderly, those who have immune deficiency problems or illnesses…

We have to isolate ourselves, we have to follow the health guidelines that we know are so important to move past this.” – George Bentley
He then moves on to make the following suggestions: 

  1. Reach out to someone close to you
  2. Self-quarantine with your family members (especially those that are elderly or isolated)
  3. Use technology to check in with loved ones and friends to connect if social distancing

George Bentley reminds us that we’re not in this alone. If we come together and support one another, we can not only reduce the number of new cases, but we can continue to live the long, happy, and independent life that so many of George’s loved ones have achieved into their 100s. 

Coronavirus Best Practices for Yourself and Others

In addition to promoting safety technology and elderly independence, George Bentley is committed to connecting patients with the best practices and resources as suggested by health experts such as the World Health Organization. According to WHO, here are a few suggestions to help protect yourself and prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Wash your hands frequently and for 20 seconds (twice through Happy Birthday song but turn off the water while washing to avoid waste)
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Practice respiratory hygiene
  • Contact your physician right away if you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing (by phone or TeleHealth appointment, only go to doctor’s office or hospital if directed)
  • Stay up to date on the latest news provided by healthcare professionals

Taking these very simple precautions will put you in the best position to avoid getting Coronavirus and/or spreading the virus to others. 

For further information on COVID-19, please visit the World Health Organization or the Center for Disease Control.

Enhance Your Home and Increase Independence

If you’re practicing social distancing and isolating yourself in your home, you’re probably well aware at this point that there is plenty of room for improving safety.

If the physical layout of your home is getting in the way of your independence, George Bentley and his team are at your service. Call 800-688-0055 to discuss your unique challenges and we’ll coordinate a free 30-60-minute wellness and safety consultation. Or, if you prefer, contact us through our contact form.