Do you desperately want to see the castles of Italy in all their magnificence while having an unforgettable Parisian experience too? Do you desire to travel the world, but feel that your age and health related complications will get in the way of your experience? You have nothing to fear if you keep certain important considerations in mind.
According to the U.S. Department of State, an increasing number of older U.S. citizens are traveling abroad. It’s a trend that the travel industry has spotted and are now working to make as convenient and hassle-free as possible for senior-aged citizens because why should everyone else have all the fun. You’re never too old to have a pleasant travel experience!
Here are six crucial travel tips to follow  because why should everyone else have all the fun.

1. Invest Substantial Time in Planning
Are you allowed to bring along your medicine in the country you plan to visit? Which part of your travel will require you to wear comfortable shoes? These are just a few of the crucial questions you need to answer long before your departure date. Therefore, it is essential that you research and plan your trip well in advance.
Make sure to not only become knowledgeable about the hotel accommodations you book, but the neighborhood in which you will stay as well and the distance of your hotel from the city center. This will likely save you from an arduous commuting experience if you’re looking to immerse yourself in the local culture.
2. Have a Backup Plan
Remember, even the smartest travelers have had to deal with travel gaffes. Therefore, it is important to have a backup plan in place for all possible outcomes. By taking the proper precautions, you will greatly reduce the likelihood of unexpected events ruining your trip. Life happens, so remember to remain flexible in the event of a traveling hiccup and work towards a solution.
3. Get Travel Insurance
Getting travel insurance is imperative as chances are that your medical insurance might not work overseas. When considering travel insurance, pay close attention to the evacuation policy which covers the rather substantial expense of getting you to an adequate medical care facility in case of an emergency; especially if you are too ill to fly commercially. This way you’ll be guaranteed coverage in case something goes wrong.
4. Take Care of Hotel Bookings
Ponying up for an expensive hotel that meets all your needs is far better than ending up in a cheap hotel that isn’t accessible. The latter could potentially spell disaster! Therefore, it is best to discuss your needs with management at the hotel before making reservations. Most importantly, provide specific details about the kind of accommodation you’re going to require. For instance, if you need a room on the ground floor that has low-level furniture, then be absolutely clear when discussing the issue with the hotel staff.
5. Don’t Forget Your Medication
Make sure to speak with your doctor or primary care physician about your trip beforehand. He/she may prescribe measures for coping with an unusually long flight, limited medical facilities at your destination, the unavailability of prescription drugs, and any other issues pertaining to your medical care. Be sure to bring extra medication and to properly store them with your other in your carry-on bag.
6. Other Essentials You Should Take Care Of

  • Make sure to pack light as hauling a large bag may not only be cumbersome, but could be the cause of a potential injury causing you a great deal of trouble during your trip.
  • There are many destinations where you may be eligible for senior discounts such as great deals on railway tickets. That being said, don’t shy away from asking about discounts wherever you go. It’s all just information that could be used for a more enjoyable travel experience.
  • The AARP (American Association of Retired People) provides an extensive online library of travel-related articles and advice for seniors, including destination guides, budget travel recommendations, and an interactive trip finder.

Remember, even trips with the most marvelous destinations can become derailed if you fail to take care of the important travel-related aspects. You don’t want to turn your trip into a nightmare and especially after dreaming of visiting the Vatican or Parthenon for years. So make sure to follow the above-mentioned tips to avoid any snafus and experience another culture, country, and continent in all its splendor.