We live in a high-tech world. Embracing technology isn’t an option anymore– it is a must. Moreover, it’s no longer just Generation Y and Z going gaga tech fads.
According to a 2012 Pew Research Institute report, more than 50% of Americans over the age of 65 are Internet and mobile device users. In fact, the senior population is one of the fastest growing demographics in adopting new technology.
Are you among them?
In the event that you are, here are a few excellent apps worth downloading.

Mobile Apps, Seniors, Telecommunnications, Skype, Twitter, Telecommunications
1. Twitter
More often than not, social media is criticized for being a shallow form of communication. However, for the older generation it is nothing short of a boon. The Pew Research Institute reports that 65% of adults over the age of 50 use social media sites; 46% of seniors over the age of 65 use social media sites.
Apart from steering away isolation and boredom, social media is helping older generations rediscover their voice.
Twitter allows you to connect with individuals, persons of interest, and/or online communities who share similar interests as you.
2. Skype
We highly recommend this app for your smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac, PlayStation…whatever. Skype allows users connect with friends and family worldwide by providing video chat and voice call.
The app brings the convenience of online video chatting and instant messaging to the users’ mobile devices. One of the major features of this app is its easy-to-use interface.
Telecommunications, Seniors, Mobile Apps, Dragon Dictation3. Dragon Dictation
Is typing a hassle for you? Are you looking for an easier way to help you speak your mind, communicate with family members, participate in online communities, or fill out paperwork? 
Dragon Dictation,  a voice recognition app, sounds perfect for you. It helps users send emails, texts, and surf the web through accurate voice dictation combined with a user-friendly interface.

Health, Wellness, Mobile Apps, Seniors, WebMD, Pillboxie, My Pain Diary
Health and Wellness
4. WebMD
It is one of the best sources in providing health-related tips, as well as, trusted medical information. WebMD allows users to browse quality articles written by medical experts.
5. Pillboxie

Health, Wellness, Seniors, Mobile Apps, Pillboxie

Pillboxie via the iOspost.com

Struggling to remember the time of your medication? Pillboxie can be your savior.
Remembering when to take your prescription medication can become a cumbersome task. Pillboxie is a convenient medication management system that provides app user with reminders for their medication intake.
6. My Pain Diary
The award-winning app helps users keep track of their symptoms, helping to ensure that doctors and medical professional obtain accurate information from their patients.

Mobile Apps, Senior, Technology, Entertainment, Learning, Netflix, Lumosity
Entertainment and Learning
7. Lumosity
Mobile Apps, Technology, Mobile App, Entertainment, learning, LumosityThe brain game, quiz app is meant to be fun while also providing an energetic workout for the mind.
This app is designed to enhance your cognitive capacity: memory, sequencing, plasticity, and problem solving. Lumosity takes learning to a whole new level.
Moreover, has shown research that keeping the brain active also mitigates the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. So, expand your mental performance with Lumosity!
8. TED Talks
You can listen to the most inspirational talks in technology, education, and design from top-notch thought leaders through this app.
9. Netflix
netflix logoWhy wait to watch shows that you love when you don’t have to?
Netflix allows users to watch and rent (via shipping service) or stream movies and television series that you want. Just choose a plan that meets your needs, and boom, you’re good to go.

Regular use of technology can add enormous benefits to the quality and convenience of our lives. Everything from keeping our minds active to taking medications on schedule. We can even gain access to excellent health advice and stay connected socially with family members and friends.
Familiarizing yourself with the aforementioned apps can make your life more entertaining and perhaps, more convenient. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, check out the above apps, and let us know in the comment section how they enhance your lives.